
5 Most Restricted Places on Earth You Can’t Visit


This earth is fully covered with many interesting and mysterious places, in that some of the places are very secure and restricted places and can’t be entered without proper needs. And these are always hot topics and are frequently debated by people. In this article, we are going to see such frequently debated restricted places on the earth.

Area 51: The most restricted place

area51: most restricted place in earth

This restricted place is the US Air Force with high facilities located in the Nevada desert. This base is highly secretive with a lot of research and theories of aliens. Area 51 was fully covered and controlled by the US armed forces and it’s illegal to enter this place without authorization.

The border of Area 51 is fully surrounded by a fence to show the warning signals that unauthorised access is not allowed throughout the place. Even with this many securities, there are many attempts to bleach the protection to get into Area 51.

Even though many attempts tried to enter Area 51 to know what’s going inside this area, this place remains a mystery and it is fully controlled by the US government and not sharing to anyone or media what their actions inside Area 51. Some of the people believe that this restricted place is used for top secret high level military operations and some of them are thinking that this place remains for the house of aliens. Anyhow, but still this place remains much more mysterious and top most restricted place on this planet and no one is allowed to enter without proper authorization.

Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Svalbard Global Seed Vault

This Svalbard Global Seed Vault is located in the North Pole region of the earth. And this places the scientist keeping the seeds in a fully secured way. The facility of these places is to protect the sample seeds of all the plants around the globe, to safe and secure if any natural disaster or any plant extinction happens. To get entered into this restricted place they have a fully secured system and only authorised people can be allowed to get entered.

It was established in 2008 to protect the seeds and use if any global disaster or any plant extinction occurred. This facility was considered as the most important agricultural resource of the earth. It was maintained by Global Crop Diversity Trust in collaboration with the Norwegian Government.

This vault is located in the mountain Svalbard archipelago. In this mountain they made a deep tunnel and kept the seed bank, and this plan was made to secure the seeds in any kind of natural disasters, global warming, or any nuclear war. If anyone wanted to get inside this vault without proper authorization no one can be entered into this vault. The seed samples are covered in sealed boxes and are kept in the room temperature of 18 degree celsius, and monitored very carefully to ensure their preservation.

This Svalbard Global Seed Vault plays an important role in the corp diversity and the global food supply. If any disaster happens this sample seeds may help in recovery of disaster and regenerate the crops and help in food cultivation. This vault is important for biodiversity, and a symbol of humanity in preserving the plants for the future generations.

North Sentinel Island

North Sentinel Island

This remote place was located in Bay of Bengal, India. This is the place of the Sentinelese, one of the last remaining tribes in this world. Across this island was strictly prohibited as the tribe peoples had a history of being hostile towards outsiders. During the period of 2006 two fishermens were lived close to their island and they were killed by the tribes. Their history remains more than thousands of years in world history.

Getting into this island is strictly prohibited by the Government of India, as the Sentinelese are considering whether they will be affected with any of the disease from the outsiders.

The Sentinelese are believed to have been living on this island for more than 60000 years and their way of life is a window into the past. Their language, life styles, beliefs still remain a mystery and they always stay away from the modern world.

North Sentinel Island is a unique and easily broken ecosystem, and the Indian Government said don’t disturb them and whatever necessary they need it will be taken care of by themselves to protect their life and peoples. This island is rich in human cultural diversity and retains the importance of preserving world old communities.

ADX Florence

ADX Florence

There is a highly secured prison built in Florence, Colorado, United States. This prison was built for the person who has been involved in organised crimes, terrorists and spies. Only authorised persons can be allowed into this prison.

Access to this restricted place was strictly controlled, with multiple levels of security layers and are monitored under surveillance cameras to prevent the persons from escape or attack. This place was located in a rugged and remote location which means there are no possible ways to try to escape from the prison. Inmates of the house are in a confinement room for almost 23 hours a day and are monitored by the police guards and surveillance cameras.

ADX Florence is also well known for its strict and restrictive conditions with limited possibilities to connect with the outside world. Inmates are closely monitored of their psychological behaviours and activities by the guards and cameras.

In conclusion, ADX Florence reminds us that it has the most critical prison system in the United States which provides a more secure and controlled system which is built only for the most dangerous criminals in the country. Finally, this makes us remember that it has the most public safety and the consequences of criminal behaviour.

Snake Island

Snake Island

This is one of the smallest islands in the world which is located on the coast of Brazil. This island has one of the largest venom snake populations in the world including the golden lancehead pit viper snakes which are considered as one of the deadliest snakes on this planet. Entering this island is very restricted and is allowed only for the person with proper entry access that too only for research purposes.

Entering this island is strictly restricted by the Brazilian Government due to the high venom snake population, which is a very serious threat to human life. There are more cases reported that many people who visited here without proper security are dying due to snake bites.

Even Though it is a highly dangerous and restricted area, Snake Island has been gained for many of the people’s favourite spots for those who love trilled places and adventure enthusiasts. Dense forests, pristine beaches, and unique ecosystems are being attracted by the research scientists who often visit this island to study more about this area.


This world is fully covered with many natural and mysterious places but some are not allowed by everyone due to its safety or its environmental concerns. These restricted places are preserved for the upcoming generations. Hence entering this restricted place is strictly prohibited and those who want to visit here must prepare the necessary documents for the purpose of visit and need to submit it with the respected government.


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